Prof.Yongxin Guo, IEEE Fellow, Full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), Laboratory Supervisor for both the MMIC Modelling and Packaging Laboratory & the Antennas and Scattering Processing Laboratory Research area: RF sensing, antennas and electromagnetics in medicine; wireless power for biomedical applications and internet of things; wideband and small antennas for wireless communications; and RF and microwave circuits and MMIC modelling and design |
Dr. Yongxin Guo is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University MMIC Modelling and Packaging Laboratory & the Antennas and Scattering Processing Laboratoryof Singapore (NUS), where he is also the Laboratory Supervisor for both the . Concurrently, He is Director, Center for Smart Medical Technology at NUS Suzhou Research Institute. He has authored or co-authored over 480 international journal and conference papers and 4 book chapters. He holds over 30 granted/filed patents in USA, China and Singapore. His current research interests include RF sensing, antennas and electromagnetics in medicine; wireless power for biomedical applications and internet of things; wideband and small antennas for wireless communications; and RF and microwave circuits and MMIC modelling and design. He has graduated 17 PhD students at NUS.
Dr. Guo was the recipient of 2020 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters Tatsuo Itoh Prize of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). He is an IEEE Fellow. He has served as the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee for IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2019-2020). Dr Guo is serving as Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave in Medicine and Biology (J-ERM) (2020-2023). Dr Guo is the Chair for IEEE AP-S Technical Committee on Antenna Measurement in 2018-2020 and is serving as Associate Editor for IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. He served as Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave in Medicine and Biology (2017 – 2020), Electronics Letters (2015-2019), IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (2013-2018), and IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (2014-2017). He has served as General Chair/Co-Chair for several international conferences including IEEE IMBioC 2022, IEEE MTT-S IMWS-AMP 2020, APMC 2019, AWPT 2017, ACES-China 2017, IEEE MTT-S IMWS-AMP 2015 and IEEE MTT-S IMWS-Bio 2013. He has served as Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-chair for IEEE MTT-S IMBioC 2020, IMWS-AMP 2017/2019 and RFIT2009.
![]() | Prof. Goh Hui Hwang, IEEE Senior Member, Head of Department for School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University. Research area: AI, big data, Electrical Power System, renewable energy, energy efficiency, multi criteria decision making (MCDM), power quality |
Dr. Goh Hui Hwang joined the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Parit Raja, as a lecturer in the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering since 2008. Since then, he rose to the rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Associate Professor. He was the Head of Department of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) and Sustainable Campus Unit for almost 3 years overseeing the safety and health issues in the university. During his tenure as the head of Sustainable Campus Unit, he is proud to witness the growth of the university from strength to strength. One of the notable achievements was the university was ranked 477th in the 2017 UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, almost 10% of the number of academic staff with Professional Engineers and Chartered Engineers qualifications from Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and Engineering Council United Kingdom (ECUK). Prof. Ir. Dr. Goh has been very active in research, he is currently supervising/co-supervising over 18 PhD and Master students where many of them have successfully graduated, completed thesis and on thesis writing up stages. As of today, he has published book, book chapter, review chapter, and 70 international research articles in renowned ISI and Scopus indexed journals and conferences based on his research findings. Thus far he has successfully secured a total research grant of over RM 3 million for his research projects from various external funding sources such as Intensification of research and development Grant (IRPA), EScience Grant from Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), Fundamental Research Grant Scheme(FRGS) from Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia(MOHE). He was awarded the UTHM’s Vice-Chancellor Outstanding Researcher Award and UTHM’s Excellence Academic Staff Award and in 2014 & 2018 respectively. He is currently a professor in School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, China.
Prof. Kai Liu, IEEE Senior Member, College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, China Research area: Internet of Vehicles, Mobile and Wireless Networks, Edge Computing, and Pervasive Computing |
Dr. Kai Liu is currently a Full Professor in the College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong in 2011. From December 2010 to May 2011, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia, USA. From 2011 to 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University. His current research interests include vehicular networks, mobile and wireless networks, edge computing, pervasive computing, intelligent transportation systems, etc. He has published over 110 prestigious peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Among them, there are 49 journal papers ranking in Clarivate Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Q1, and 32 IEEE/ACM Transactions, including IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE TMC, IEEE TVT, IEEE TITS, IEEE TII, etc. He has graduated 5 PhD students and 8 postgraduate students at CQU.
Dr. Liu was the recipient of ACM (Chongqing) Best Supervisor Award, High-level Overseas Talent Recruitment Plan of Chongqing, and One-Hundred-Talent Program of Chongqing University. He served as guest editor of special issues including Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA), IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) and ACM/Springer Mobile Networks & Applications (MONET). He also served as TPC co-Chair/Track Chair/Publication Chair in a number of international conferences and received outstanding service award in IEEE RTCSA’16, CWSN’19 and IEEE UIC’19.
![]() | Assoc. Prof. Xudong Sun, East China Jiaotong University, Member of China Council of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, China Research area: Food quality assessment with THz spectroscopy and imaging |
Dr. Xudong Sun received Bachelor and Master Degrees of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from China Agriculture University, respectively. He received Ph.D degree of Mechanical Engineering from Donghua University. From 2009, he worked as an Associated Prof. at the School of Mechatronics & Vehicle Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, and also a Talent of the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Project of Jiangxi Province” and the “Outstanding Young Talents Program of Jiangxi Province”. He has published more than 20 papers in Postharvest Biology and Technology, Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, etc. His research focuses on topics within food quality assessment using terahertz spectroscopy and imaging, near infrared spectroscopy and imaging. His research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi. He won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Jiangxi Province, the second prize of Second prize for Technical Invention of Jiangxi Province, and the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of China Instrument and Control Society.
![]() | Assoc.Prof.Wei Wei, Xi’an University of Technology, IEEE Senior Member, China Research area: Internet of things, AI Bigdata processing, Image processing |
Dr. Wei Wei is an associate professor of School of Computer Science and Engineering,Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China. He is a senior member of IEEE, CCF. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from Xian Jiaotong University in 2011 and 2005, respectively. He ran many funded research projects as principal investigator and technical members. His research interest is in the area of wireless networks, wireless sensor networks Application, Image Processing, Mobile Computing, Distributed Computing, and Pervasive Computing, Internet of Things, Sensor Data Clouds, etc. He has published around one hundred research papers in international conferences and journals. He is an editorial board member of FGCS, IEEE Access, AHSWN, IEICE, KSII, etc. He is a TPC member of many conferences and regular reviewer of IEEE TPDS, TVT, TIP, TMC, TWC, JNCA and many other Elsevier journals.